Category: Essays
Books Off My Shelves II (Derrick Ferguson Edition)
I’ve tried to put into words some thoughts around the passing of Derrick Ferguson earlier this month. Aside from a brief Twitter thread (which I build off of below) shortly after word broke, all I’ve been able to write is: “Damn.” Damn. I’d do not exaggerate when I say Derrick is one of my absolute…
I Love Courtney
INT. SHOT – LATE AFTERNOON – A SUBURBAN HOME The door is flung open, a handsome man in his mid-30s, a quiff of waxed blond hair beneath his hat, a smart tweed suit, prescription spectacles, stands in the doorway. Cue audience applause. In his hand he carries a briefcase, assuring us of his employment status,…
Books Off My Shelves (Part 1)
A new project for me to never complete: photos of the books that make up my library. “Never complete” because I’ll probably forget I started it and/or there are a LOT of books and/or I’ll keep getting more so it’s never ending anyway. Not all of my books are educational or highfalutin, but all of…
An Open Letter to DC
Dear Detective Comics Comics, I don’t have a linkedin, so please allow me to say up front that I am ready to write for John Constantine whenever you are ready. Having said that, I’ve recently been reading the news, and I note that Variety said this in regards to you, and a possible television series featuring Constantine…
It’s late, the radiance of the fairy light catches on the tinsel of the Christmas tree in the corner of the room, headphones on, the cat sleeping soundly on the edge of the sofa, and I cried my way through most of this record; I cried for all the things I never said, and all…
Sorry, Alberta THIS Jason Kenney IS NOT Your Premier!
I’ve known Jason Kenney for the better part of two decades now. We first met in the early 2000’s during our wild salad days of online fan fiction. We’ve written together and collaborated often. We’ve talked petty shit and incited unnecessary beefs. We founded this very website together, I wrote the foreword to his pretend…
out of the woods: a folklore essay
In the quiet of night, with the only light being from fairy lights taped to the wall, reminders of Christmas long past, the cat sleeping quietly at the end of the bed. With my eyes closed, with headphones on to quiet the rattle of the fan, this is the way I have listened to records…
‘Cleaning, and cooking, and flower-arranging / dissolves a kind of liberation.’ “Virginia State Epileptic Colony” by Manic Street Preachers It seemed like a good time to revisit this album. Recorded in 2009, Journal for Plague Lovers acts as a companion piece to The Holy Bible, the last studio album recorded with the band’s former “rhythm guitarist” and childhood…
13 Excuses I Make About Finding Stillness In My Life
Ryan Holiday has a good tweet: And as much as I want to I find it impossible to fully embrace. Let’s go through the list: Journal: I try. Believe me. I’ve got notebooks everywhere with half started journals and stories. I even started a new one for Life in the Time of COVID and it…